BBEST 2020 – Brazilian Bioenergy Science And Technology Conference @São Paulo-SP
nov 29 – dez 2 dia inteiro

BBEST is a triannual international conference on bioenergy now in its fourth edition, after the very positive outcome from the previous versions in 2011, 2014 and 2017, attended by hundreds of researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials from Brazil and abroad. This time, besides covering relevant aspects of bioenergy, from biomass production to conversion and final use, the 2020 edition will highlight innovation. We intend to showcase state-of-the-art processes and products, new trends and what is creating value and actual environmental and social benefits. In line with this, BBEST 2020 will devote its first day to discuss policy and measures, to foster bioenergy innovation in the context of sustainable development, considering the perspectives of all significant stakeholders.



II Biofuture Summit @São Paulo-SP
nov 29 – dez 2 dia inteiro


There is an emerging international consensus that scaling up the sustainable low carbon bioeconomy is an imperious necessity. The best ways and instruments to achieve this goal are also being tried by countries, entrepreneurs, and scientists around the world. Join policy makers from the 20 Biofuture Platform founding countries, industry stakeholders, researchers and others in the second edition of the Biofuture Summit, in São Paulo. Exchange lessons in national policies, innovation, technologies, financing, and supply chain management, and help build a blueprint for the global biofuture we need.

The Summit is jointly organized by the government of Brazil as a Member of the Biofuture Platform, a 20-government multilateral initiative; by the International Energy Agency (IEA), as the Biofuture Platform´s Facilitator; and by the Brazilian Association for Bioinnovation(ABBI).

The program for the event, logistics, and registration will be available soon. Participation is free for invitees, subject to availability.

Webinar – PD&I em Palma de Óleo na Embrapa Agroenergia
ago 6@14:30 – 15:30

Webinar – PD&I em Palma de Óleo na Embrapa Agroenergia

+ Introdução sobre o Projeto DendePalm;
+ Apresentação do programa de PD&I em ômica de Palma de Óleo (Elaeis spp.) na Embrapa Agroenergia;
+ Agroindústria da Palma de Óleo – Oportunidades para parcerias público privada (PPP) entre a Embrapa Agroenergia e parceiros privados âmbito da Embrapii;
+ Aproveitamento de coprodutos da cadeia da palma de óleo.

Manoel Souza | Pesquisador da Embrapa Agroenergia
Simone Mendonça | Pesquisadora da Embrapa Agroenergia

DATA | 06 de agosto
HORÁRIO | 14h30

Embrapa Agroenergia

XX Congresso Brasil Rendering @FENAGRA – Sala Jequitibá
Maio 10@10:00 – 11:11

No dia 10 de maio das, 110h às 11h, o diretor superintendente da Ubrabio, Donizete Tokarski, participa do Congresso Brasil Rendering.

Local: FENAGRA – Sala Jequitibá – Centro de Convenções Expo D. Pedro, Campinas, SP, Brasil
Confira a programação completa AQUI.

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